Swarm is a new dark comedy horror series on Prime Video, created by Donald Glover and Janine Nabers, featuring Dominique Fishback, Chloe Bailey, and Damson Idris. The show delves into the unsettling side of stan culture, as a young woman named Dre becomes obsessed with a fictional pop star, Ni’Jah, whose appearance and sound are similar to real-life pop icon BeyoncĂ©.
The show centers on Dre's intense devotion to Ni'Jah after a tragic event in her life. The storyline explores the impact of this fandom on Dre's life and how it leads her to dark and twisted places. While the series does touch on sensitive topics like self-harm and suicide, the creators handle them tastefully, portraying the scenes briefly and off-camera.
Dominique Fishback delivers a standout performance as Dre, skillfully adapting her demeanor and body language to suit the needs of each scene. Chloe Bailey also shines in her supporting role as Dre's best friend, Marissa, and the chemistry between the two actresses is palpable on screen.
Dre's character is complex and multifaceted. Initially, she appears meek and mild, but as the series progresses, we see that she is capable of anything, including killing - and especially when defending her beloved pop star, Ni'Jah. Dre can switch from sweet to scary depending on the situation, making her a very compelling character.
It is rare to see a Black woman in such a role, as most shows and movies about serial killers feature white men. Dominique Fishback's performance in Swarm is exceptional, and I hope she gets the recognition for this role that she deserves.
The show's uses humor to alleviate the dark themes it tackles. It draws inspiration from real-world events, as well as Beyoncé and her fandom, the Beyhive. The writers did an excellent job of using these inspirations to tell a story from a unique and unexpected perspective. Most of the story is told from Dre's viewpoint, showcasing the thin line between admiration and obsession and how dark stan twitter can get.
Swarm delves into the darker aspects of stan culture, showcasing the fanatical behavior of fans who vilify and intimidate anyone who doesn't support their chosen celebrity. The show takes this toxic behavior to a new level, exploring its consequences in a gruesome and chilling manner.
Swarm is a mesmerizing horror satire that uses a twisted and dramatized approach to examine stan culture. It tells a chilling story about the fine line between adoration and obsession. Each episode takes the audience on a dark and shocking journey that will captivate from beginning to end.
Swarm is available now on Prime Video. Check it out!